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Rikke Kiil


I believe that all the images that pop up in my head, have a purpose, they want you and me anything, therefore they vigitge to create, to show the world. The history of all of my pictures have to tell fragments of the world and comment on the world in fragmetner.
The Great Wind, is about how we pursue happiness through playing, believing that we can win the whole world happiness through a horse, a playing card or a lottery. We live all the time in the future and if we win then we are happy. Therefore disappear luck like sand through our fingers. We forget the moment, we forget the happiness that is in small moments and the happiness there is in the present.

Sports and Tour de France

One of the things that I sometimes enjoy to do is to focus on the sports and I found a great excuse to see the Tour de France - I can study and draw it. I enjoy the commitment to the body and the dynamic of the muscles.
All rigths belongs to Rikke Kiil