The life of colors:
by Mayssa Khaddam
The art of Rikke Kiil is never empty of human expressive touches of what we are actually living such as the difficult circumstances that affect certain countries.
The gradation and the diversity of colors in her paintings reflect these human touches where we see the succession of light and dark colors, warm and cold. This induces the mind of the receiver to imagine a « better » future. Moreover, the bursting of colors in her paintings adds a psychological, philosophical, esthetic and symbolic character to her works. That gives them more movement and vitality. Furthermore, the succession of colors in her art enriches the imagination of the receiver and highlights some of the aspects of reality that may seem subtle.
For Rikke Kiil, each painting speaks of itself and the artist always is a part of what she produces or creates.

Women have a significant presence in the art of Rikke Kiil, where the flow of warm colors reflects that presence. Her collection “Play Ink” is characterized by the absolute presence of women. It put silently in light the women’s fight against breast cancer.